Acoustat model 22/2200

Totally awesome in my 20x12 audio only room. Granted they dont play loud and need gobs of current/power. The Spectra Series gets it right. Too bad they had to close, from a few disgruntled reviewers, sales dropped because of it. The power of the Quill is deadly...One of only a slew to feel it! The panels damn near indestructable, not like the newer stats or panel speakers today. These are Classic"s
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Thanks everyone for your good advice. I do like my current set up but am always wondering about improvements that could be made. (FYI: my pre amp in a Lazarus Balanced Deluxe from the same era as my 22s (1990) and I have an Acoustat Spectra SPW-1 subwoofer as well.)

I'll probably take a look at the Macs just out of curiosity but I won't bite unless they're an absolute steal.

I've found a great guy here who is rebuilding my Lazarus and wonder if I should have him take a look at my Hafler also as it's been years since anyone has been inside of it. Good idea??
Rageorge: check out Musical Concepts for your Hafler. Also there are others out there that do Hafler mods. Indeed, next to the Dynaco ST70, the Haflers are the most modified amps out there.Says something for the design.Also says something about the late great David Hafler since both the Dynaco and the Haflers are his.

You don't need a monster amp, you only need a GOOD amp, Classe - Krell - Mark Levinson - Threshold - Bedini - Paslabs - Plinius - and many many more, if i was you i would stick with solid state BUT with a good tube preamp, i owned a Classe DR3-VHC & Conrad Johnson preamps premier three & premier ten for thirteen years with four different models of Acoustat's it was a match made in HEAVEN.
Acoustats have a synergistic love affair with MOSFET amps. If you want to make those panels sing in a manner you will not believe find an old Sumo Andromeda II or IIA, or better yet biamp with them. Run 1 channel to the panel and the other to a bass module or sub. Add a tube pre and heaven.