Best rock song of all times

Only one answer please.
Not the best written or the best musical complexity but the one that represents the rock.

My choice: Satisfaction - Rolling Stones

- first notes are like the 5th of Beethoven (when you hear those notes, everybody pumps up the volume)
- still very up to date
- a mix of rock and blues rock and Motown sound
- lyrics talks about disatisfaction of young people vs life, politics, money and women (even B Dylan like that song)
- music is very basic as a good rock song should be
I'm with the last two entries... Revolution by the Beatles. Lennon nailed it. A best rock song in any ones book. But Lindisfarne, I'm surprised, nothing from "Nicely Out of Tune"?
Happy Listening!
You want to hear a scream? Wilson Pickett covering "Hey Jude" BTW Duane Allman is on guitar.