WAF - Wife Acceptance Factor

Much has been written in these threads about the dreaded WAF, or wife acceptance factor. It usually entails making a compromise, or not getting that perfect speaker, or amp, or ... Well you get the picture.

But tell the truth guys. Haven't there been times when wifey actually helped?

In my case, I casually mentioned to my wife that the picture quality of my front projector would be much improved if I could better cotrol the light in the den. So what did she do?

She put up nice thick curtains. It not only blocks the light and makes the den like a cave, it also improves the diffuse surround sound field with the absorptive material. What a gal!

Would love to hear your stories. :o)

WOW! I thought I had the ideal audio wife! I think Mary tops mine.... Now how would Mary deal with an entire room in the house filled with 'spare gear'??

I am a very lucky guy to have found a woman who shares this hobby with me. She was into music long before wemet but didn't know much about equipment. I took her to a couple of shows when we lived in Montreal and this changed things because it allowed her to experience what the fuss and challenge was about, not only in terms of eqipment but set up, system context and room treatment. We make decisions together on the bext upgrades and whether they make sonic and financial sense. I suggest education is one way to go. Plus the preventative health benefits actually SAVE $$$ in thelong run.
I do side work to pay for this hobby. My wife knows the cost but does not care as long as she gets the regular pay check. She would like some of the side money but this has been the deal from the get go. My free time, my money.
My wife has this saying:
The man who dies with the most toys does not win, the wife does.
When we die the wives get the toys and the insurance money. She figures selling my system, vinyl and CD's she will be set for a long time after I'm gone. I agree as long as she does not sell it all for pennies on the dollar, like a yard sale HA HA HA.
My wife recognizes that I need audio the way most people depend on oxygen to sustain life. Her sister is not quite that understanding of my brother-in-law's "audio needs." Tim came home one afternoon to find his Klipsch speakers sitting out on the back porch. When asked why she said, "I got tired of those big ugly things taking up my whole living room!"