WAF - Wife Acceptance Factor

Much has been written in these threads about the dreaded WAF, or wife acceptance factor. It usually entails making a compromise, or not getting that perfect speaker, or amp, or ... Well you get the picture.

But tell the truth guys. Haven't there been times when wifey actually helped?

In my case, I casually mentioned to my wife that the picture quality of my front projector would be much improved if I could better cotrol the light in the den. So what did she do?

She put up nice thick curtains. It not only blocks the light and makes the den like a cave, it also improves the diffuse surround sound field with the absorptive material. What a gal!

Would love to hear your stories. :o)
My wife threw me out years ago for buying audio equipment.
I rather have bought phono cartridges, than diapers.
Now I have everthing I want.
No wife, and a room full of audio!
I am always the King!...and no need of asking her if i need this! i need that!...but a King always need a Queen!

My wife has more fun grinding on my speaker's woofers while I'm cranking "In A Gadda Da Vida" than she does riding the laundry machine.....even during an unbalanced load.......haha
