The most romantic jazz ballads, nocturn or blues

What's your most romantic, smoky, charming, sensual pieces of jazz ballad, jazz nocturn or jazzy blues? Help others to discover your favourite music for late night listening with your special one.
Mine is: Ike Quebec - There is no greater love; besides much of Quebec, Scott Hamilton, Ben Webster or Coleman Hawkins would qualify as follow ups...
Houston Person recordings on High Note label are prime romantic sax.
Andre Previns recordings on Telarc are also fine dinner jazz as well featuring his piano.
Shirley Horn's Verve recordings are great low key piano trio. Her voice and piano playing are a great fit. Start with a live recording "I thought about you".
Charlie Hadens "Night and the City" w/Kenny Baron, "Beyond the Missouri Sky" and "Land of the Sun" a set of Mexican ballads, all on Verve, are IMHO outstanding!

If you haven't already tried them, go for it.

BTW I also enjoy your other choices.......
Etta James - Burning down the house. Just not the DVD. Much better heard than seen. Sorry.

Blues are more about being left, leaving or begging not to to leave.
I'll second Newbee on "Houston Person"....the most romantic sax I've heard.

He has a lot of albums to pick from, you will enjoy!
