Scotch? No thanks. Whats the best Vodka.?

Many years a go I used to drink a vodka from Turkey named Izmira that was distilled from white beets. Wonderful!!!!!!!! Sadly no longer available in the U.S. I'm a big Belvedere fan. Slightly sweet and nuanced, but has a great vodka kick. Lately though I've discovered 360 Vodka. American made and so smooth. Almost too easy to drink. So, what's your vodka pleasure? And please, no testimonials to Popov. I know I know, something has to go in the brown paper bag, but if you have to get Kamchatka.
RUSSIAN STANDARD!!! This is the vodka served in Russian embassy's around the world.
If you have Costco in your area by all means try their Kirkland brand; in a tall thin bottle. The word on the Internet is that is from from Grey Goose and could be Grey Goose. This is a fantastic vodka, smooth and was just reduced in price to $27.99 at Costco in San Diego.

I'll take the Scotch. Sure, I can taste the differences, but, I think Vodka is more about marketing than taste.
Vodka fans, very interesting so far, and thanks for responding. A few new ones I've never heard of and intend to investigate. A lot of Ketel One fans (it is spelled Ketel) which is a superior vodka. For those of you who don't know, Ketel One is old time pot distilled, as is Tito's. Both, along with Belvedere, Monopolova, 360 Vodka (my new fav), and others for sale CHEAP at Trader Joe's. There's a great liquor store here in Pasadena, Ca. named Mission Wine and Spirits with a huge selection, all available on line. Browsing the aisles there is a gas. As far as the Popov goes, I don't see myself putting Belvedere in a Bloody Mary anyway. What a waste. Keep it up vodka fans, I'm putting together a little shopping list.