Quick poll: Most enjoyable audio magazine ?

What is the most enjoyable / entertaining magazine out there in your opinion, the ONE you would by if you did have to pick just one?

Notice that I said ''most enjoyable'', not meaning most accurate.

My pick goes to the UK mag ''what hi-fi'' - very subjective of course, but I like the way they will not hesitate to put an ''avoid'' type of statement and do group testing of components.

That, I find entertaining...

Your choice?
HiFi World and HiFi World

I agree with what has been written about 6moon: Detailed descriptions and good photography but the major drawback, ie. Srajan Ebaen's long-windedness, nearly makes the magaxine unreadable -- so I guess I read it for the pictures...
Edit: Should read HiFi World and HiFi+...and magazine. These small screens sometimes...