Best buys you've ever acquired on AG

ML Monolith III's, mint, as new. $1100
Grant Fidelity 534b SET integ- also mint, as new. $825 delivered from Canada.
Jrinkerptdnet, the subject title in case you may have missed it was "best buys" not best stolen deal! You go man!
still kicking myself for missing the Aerials and Stellavox!

takes a TON of patience to find the GREAT deals.



My best buys here on AG:

My McCormack gear: TLC-1 Deluxe, DAC-1 and DNA-1 Deluxe

Best buys on Craigslist: A sweet pair of KEF Q-90s and KEF 104/2s.

Best buys on eBay: Zu Wax speaker cables and Tannoy Mercury M1 monitors.

I didn't get great steals but paid around fair market value or a little below.

One day I hope to make one of those great deals or steals that audiophiles always have stories about.
Well Jeff, I guess it fits that a "ton of patience" is required to save a ton of money.