Best Hobby related purchase of 2010

I did a lot of horse trading in 2010, since my job sucked, and I didn't have a lot else to do, and I was wondering what the best deal I made, audio-wise was in 2010.

At first I thought buying Bryston BDA-1 after trying a ton of other DAC's, but since I eventually sold the Bryston due to lack of use, that was out.

Then I thought the modded PS Audio GCPH after trying so many great phono stages, but I after considering the surprise when I got the first of 2 expected Def Tech Supercube 1 subs (ended up with only one since it sounded so good). But that made me think maybe I should look at software purchases, and that's where I am for the year.

I got some great Japanese pressings of favorite alums, and a sublime (which is playing right now) pressing of Pink Floyd-The Wall (Radio station copy), and I realized I had a great software year.

So, the best audio hobby purchase of 2010: The Beatles MFSL Box for $600. Albums where pristine, and had the GeoDisc and booklet. A bit yellow on the covers et all but I didn't care. I love this set, and I know many collectors think there are not the best of the Beatles albums, but they are the pinnacle to me.

So anyone want to share their best 2010 audio deal?
Hardware: No question, for me it's the Grado RA-1 Headphone amplifier - the AC version. Absolutely stunning performance with Grado headphones using either analog or digital sources.

On the software side, it has to be the discovery of the "Royal Philharmonic Masterworks - Audiophile Collection" of clsssical CD's distributed by This is a series of well-recorded performances of classical masterworks with nice liner notes about the composer, the piece, and the conductor (but as common with many classical works, little to nothing about the specific preformance on disk). In any case, these are generally very good redbook recordings with nice depth and air, dynamic range and snap when called for, and they are all available for under $6- new. I have collected works by hyden, copeland, mozart and grieg so far, and am actively looking for more.
ASR Basis Exclusive Phono stage
It's like I purchased a totally new system, its the best buy since 2004.


you might be right, but I think our new governor has already made plans for any extra money I might now have laying around.... so my place doesn't get too cluttered.

many thanks. I am feeling much better as the result. the health attributes overwhelm the incidental but welcome influx of any modest cash returns.

Stopping smoking is a gateway drug... it's already led me to eating fresh produce, a regular exercise plan, better diet, and helped diminish my hypertension. I'm grateful a Power greater than myself is doing for me that which I can not. All I've done so far is to cooperate with Him.
Top two:
JM Reynaud Twin Signature speakers
Musical Paradise MP-301 tube integrated amp
Lots of new (to me) records. Lots and lots of them. So many I am still working my way through them.