Audio's Biggest Loser?

This relates to my recent thread for high end on the move, but puts it in a different context.

Before I begin, I am not especially interested in "lifestyle" audio, the "wife approval factor", abandoning the high end, or recommending mid fi components shaped like sleek tiny boxes or balls, or all in one kitchen systems available in a range of colors and finishes.

But as the proud author of two enduring threads devoted to biggest and baddest cables and amplifiers, I have had a contrarian thought in 2011:

what are the smallest, featheriest truly high end components?

Some quick math suggests that my latest system has weighed about 500 pounds - and not even including 5 spare power amplifiers, 3 or 4 sets of spare mini monitors, DACs, cables, tweaks accessories, heavy rack furniture and MYE stands for the Tympanis which could easily double that amount to half a TON or so.

And I am sure some of you can "weigh" in with even more - would love to hear from the Wilson MAX and Pass Labs owners.

But in the spirit of change, experimentation and spring cleaning, I am currently wondering how my life and listening room might feel if I changed to the smallest, lightest, but genuinely high end equipment.

Here are some thoughts:

Lenovo X 201 Computer - 2.5 pounds
Behringer DEQ2496 - 6 pounds
Nuforce Reference Monoblocks - 17 pounds
Silverline Audio Minuet Supremes - 15 pounds

or say, about 40 pounds for the entire system - only a few more than the shipping weight of my Audio Research preamp, my lightest component.

How much does your system weigh? Does this enhance or detract from enjoyment of high end audio.

What might inspire you to be the Biggest Loser on Audiogon?

What smallest, lightest components would you recommend?
IPOD Shuffle. Pure and simple. Buy 2, hide one from the robbers, you are set for anywhere in the world.
Speakers and amps tend to be the biggest/heaviest.

Class D Icepower amps push the limit regarding power output in a small efficient package.

Speakers will depend largely on room size. Lots of small packages that work well in smaller room.

The OHM Walsh speakers are fairly compact for what they do and are sized based on room size, so I think they are fairly optimal for top notch results in most any home room size.
Elizabeth, it is the gospel truth. I had my home burgled years ago and that was just what happened. They took the PE changer but not the Thorens 125, the Quad preamp but not the amp, no speakers and so on; just the easily portable stuff went. Proving again that most burglars are not audiophiles.
Proving again that most burglars are not audiophiles.

And inversely, that most audiophiles are not burglars.
For an amp w attenuator (aka integrated) how about maybe the Berning ZOTL ZH-270 at 10 lbs or if you have high eff speakers the 4 lb Berning MicroZotl. For a source a Netbook plus HRT Musicstreamer 2+ DAC, or a laptop w a Lynx soundcard. So under 15 lbs plus speakers for a Netbook/MusicStreamer2+/ZH-270. Add a ZYX Artisan phono stage @ 1.5 lbs and you would have very high quality full function, electronics-only system well under 20 lbs.