How Long Ago Since You Cried Listening To Music?

For me is was last weekend, The group "Sugarland" singing "Stay".
This summer when hearing k.d. lang sing Hallelujah live at Wolftrap. The crowd gave her a six minute standing ovation.
Cummon you Testosterone-driven, Macho WWF-lovin', emotionless cage fighters! You gotta have a soft spot SOMEWHERE in your heart? No one song, ever? Have you never thought a song was sung, or performed so awesome that it touches your soul? No harm done having a good cry once in a while even if it seems to signal the presence of "GIRLIE-MAN" syndrome.

The only time I don't feel any emotion is when I am at a Death Metal concert, in the mosh-pit, watch groups like Slipknot and Slayer incite a friggin riot with songs like "Reign in Blood", or "Mandatory Suicide"...then I feel a compulsion to beat the shit out of some random stranger just for the fun of it. No emotion there!
(Just kidding! I'm being a smartass and pulling your chain), If music doesn't sometimes make you cry, that's ok too. Just feel free to beat hell out of your wife and go an a 3 state killing spree.
Crying no, but once I shit myself when I forgot that my amp's volume was at 12 and I started playing Machine Head.
It was so loud and so sudden. Oh boy..
Whenever I listen to the beginning of Nathan Milstein playing the Chaconne from Bach's Violin Partita #2. For me, this piece captures a life's experience, and it is the beginning, Birth, that brings tears to my eyes.

As for live performances, about two years ago, I heard Angela Hewitt play Book 1 of Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier, and her playing also brought tears to my eyes.

I cannot explain why Bach, that most logical of composers, affects me so.

Jim Crane