How Long Ago Since You Cried Listening To Music?

For me is was last weekend, The group "Sugarland" singing "Stay".
This thread is amazing. Not only does music make me cry, but it also can also put a lump in my throat and control my heart rate and respirations. Not infrequently, I will sob uncontrollably. It's just that beautiful.

Heck, listening to Shostakovich #11 makes it difficult to even breath. It feels like someone is sitting on my chest - absolutely devastating.
Listen to Tom Harrell's song; 'Wise Children' on THIS day. If you feel nothing perhaps it's time for a new hobby!
There's a difference between "feeling nothing" and crying. You cryers think you have a monopoly on an emotional connection to the music?
We're talking about crying. Crying.
Do you cry when you drive a beautiful automobile? When you see a beautiful woman?
We're talking about crying.
Ever get a rush that starts as just a tingle, then increases, and envelopes your whole body until you can barely stand it? My first flight did that. Once I moved, the rush subsided. Since then, music has done it a few times. I've learned to sit still and enjoy.
Never cried while listening, but I'll bet the op was referring to music bringing tears. If it doesn't happen to you it's one of those things you'll just never know. Are you missing anything? Who knows?