How Long Ago Since You Cried Listening To Music?

For me is was last weekend, The group "Sugarland" singing "Stay".
"Fiddler On the Roof" soundtrack and Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker usually bring a tear to my eye.
Burton Cummings can make you cry with his solo hit "Stand Tall". That is if you allow yourself to laugh hard enough.
josh groban makes me cry because when i hear "you raise me up" i feel like someone is tapping a dull flathead screwdriver with a hammer into my slow motion.
that'll make you cry.
I was playing in a stage band once and got poked in the eye with a sax reed. I did not really cry,but my eye swelled up and i could not stop it from flooding with eye water and some of my band mates thought i was really crying and looking at me like i was a big sissy and i started yelling at them that i was not really crying and how would they like the next reed in the eye? Is this what you mean?? :)
(oh this was like 1972 or something) hehehhe.