King of the one liners

If you guys and gals care to participate, this can't help but be a fun thread. I'll start with a joke: An Irishman walks out of a bar... That's it.
Soooooo… my four year old Granddaughter says… Grandpa… what do you do if an elephant sits on your friends… I said … I don’t know… what would you do… she replies… get new friends.
The investigating officer said,

"Well Mr Jones, we've determined that your wife's death was caused by a golf ball striking her head, which is consistent with your explanation of an errant tee shot, but we don't understand why we found a second ball lodged in her ass.

Can you explain that?"

"That was my mulligan."
A few from Woody Allen

There are many kinds of love; the love between a man and a women, the love of a mother for her son, and ..let's not forget my favorite...the love between two women

I was thrown out of NYU for cheating on a metaphysics exam. I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me

Sex without love is a empty experience, but as empty experiences go, it's a good one

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it by not dieing

Marriage is the death of hope

I can't listen to Wagner. I keep getting the urge to invade Poland