Changed circ.breaker-vocals became shouty:why?

I live in pre-war apt.building.The circuit breaker that was feeding my system was an old 15 amp gadget that was long ago discontinued.When i noticed that it was 15 amp i went and bought a $25 30 amp replacement for it.After installing it in the box i noticed that vocals and solo guitars became shouty and flat even though the rest of the spectrum became more dynamic,especially bass.After i put back the old breaker,the sound became 3-D and warm again,even though the system was straining at high volumes.Is it a circuit breaker burn in factor or something else at play here?My power amp is Pass X 250,5 driving 86db/4ohm Snell type B speaker (6 drivers per side,3 of which are 10 inches).
Outlets by PS Audio.Any ideas?Thanks a lot.
Hello Again. You said nothing about the Panamax in line before. Take that piece of ?&$# out of the system. I am a Panamax dealer and that thing doesn't belong on anything above a $400 theater in a box. That is cutting the sound quality of your amp down about 30%. You need to be in a line canditioner above $2500 on that amp OR nothing at all. (my favorite is Shinyata. (don't know how to spell it because I am not a dealer. LOL)
No,the Panamax if for cd player and preamp only,the amp is plugged into the wall.They do share the same outlet though.
Btw,the Panamax in my experience is way better than the current Monster/PS Audio stuff.As i understand Panamax had several owners in the past 5-7 years,mine is mid 90s model with upgraded cord and outlets.
I thought that audiophiles don't put any faith in "Specs". But Duane has let the cat out of the box...the one "Spec" that matters is Price! :-)
Eldarford, there are rip offs and steals at every price. There are $800 amps that sound better than $2000 amps and $20,000 amps that are 10 times better than $10,000 amps.
You can't find a new amp for $300 that is any good because there is a minimum in every industry where you can't build stuff that cheap without cutting MAJOR corners. Line conditioners that don't starve amps start at $1600. Dishwashers that don't break, $700. Dress shoes that don't hurt to wear all day and don't go out of style, $300. Plasma TV's that look good and don't break $4500. Table saws that cut ebony and cherry wood all day without over heating $25,000. Wives that don't cheat on you and are good looking $1,000,000.