Cassette Tapes..Dolby B or C?

I still have a tape deck in my system, and have a few tapes that are nice for quiet background music. The tape deck has a switch to select Dolby B or Dolby C (or none). There seems to be no marking on prerecorded tapes to indicate the type of Dolby processing. On a tape I was just playing B sounds about right. Should I assume that all prerecorded tapes are B unless otherwise stated?
Everyone gets bent out of shape about copy protection which prevents the making of digital copies. The easy way around this is a good analog recorder of some kind, or even a digital recorder which accepts analog inputs.

Further to that point, I always found it curious - as an audiophile - to think that in the late '70s to early 80's, tape decks could make great recordings that were virtually indistinguishable to the original. (At least for laymans', if not golden ears.)

But it was "digital", which didnt even sound as good, that drove paranoia and copy protection to new, ridiculous heights.

I guess the Napster police have never heard of Nakamichi?
I own a Yamaha cassette deck with Dolby B&C, which I purchased in the mid eighties. It's a mid-fi deck...certainly not high end, but also a step above consumer (I think...).

I used primarily TDK SA tape, with an occasional Maxell thrown in.

Talk about making digital sound like analog! Good Dolby C cassette recordings of CDs still sound wonderful, in my opinion.
All this talk about, TDK, Nakamichi, Dolby has brought back fond memories, I think I am going to service my Nakamichi this weekend :-)
I've looked at the Nakamichi Dragon's listed for sale as if they were puppies in a pet store window, until I've been brought back to earth by reading of the service/reliability issues with this particular cassette deck. But, they sure look nice!