Cassette Tapes..Dolby B or C?

I still have a tape deck in my system, and have a few tapes that are nice for quiet background music. The tape deck has a switch to select Dolby B or Dolby C (or none). There seems to be no marking on prerecorded tapes to indicate the type of Dolby processing. On a tape I was just playing B sounds about right. Should I assume that all prerecorded tapes are B unless otherwise stated?
Cwlondon, you might enjoy experimenting with recording your CDs to cassette tape using a good Dolby B/C cassette deck and high quality tape (like the TDK SA). Cassette decks are dirt cheap these days...probably less than a jar of contact enhancer.


Yes, maybe I should scrap this high end, WAV file music server idea, and just move my entire CD collection to cassette tapes.

I do think that would be an improvement!
Server, shmerver. Go low tech. The drive will eventually just crash anyway.

The Dragon is a great cassette deck, but like expensive cars, you have to be willing to spend money on getting it up to spec and periodic maintenance. Once I got my machine working perfectly I have not needed service for over 2 years, and it gets a lot of use.
WOW! I never thought that this thread would draw so much comment. I just had a simple question. I guess it is a little-known fact that some audiophiles still like their cassette decks.