KT-88's better than EH ...

Without spending a small fortune.

I really have to say that with running all EH tubes in my Cary CAD 50MkII Monoblocks...the sound is so absolutely palpable and REAL through my Ushers. Not a trace of bothersome and fatiguing sibilance with the system tweeked from the listening seat.The bass very very good too. The EH seem to have excellent tonality, body, resolution, and great dynamics as well.

Im wondering if those who may have found a better sounding KT-88 than the EH without killing the bank account would comment on there move.

I know that I may have a nice synergistic match, and may be hard pressed to better the sonics ultimately, and I can easily live with that of course.....and have tried several NOS input 6SN7's and KT-88's....BUT..always seem to prefer the EH combo. Quite a tube!..

Would the new reissue Tung Sol KT-88 better the EH??..I hear the orig. TungSol is superb..but Im not willing to pay the frieght..and certainly the Orig. British Genelex are out.

Any info from those who have bettered the EH...please comment.

Many thanks/...Ken
No your right! EH KT-88,s are by far better than many tubes costing many times the price! I have heard many many tubes and Ive learned that no matter what equipment you are using they have the same signature sound. They are the blank slate or the proverbial "White canvas" as far as I am concerned. STIPULATION as long as the bias is right,but that being said these tubes are very forgiving if biased incorrectly. They are tough tubes to beat. I like a forward, dark tube in the pre like the New production JJ ECC803/12AX7 gold pin and the same tube sounds great in the phase splitter (ONLY IF it has a Phase splitter) I hate phase splitters! I didnt pay $20,000 for a pair of speakers with no crossovers to avoid unnecessary phase issues (crossoverless design, EX-Vandersteen,s) then buy an amp that does! Thats one of the best things about SET amps. Never buy a SET amp if it has a phase splitter! There are some great amps that have splitters but....Audiophiles...I / WE are picky! Why do phase splitters even exist? Why would anyone think that taking the signal then tearing it into two halves seperating the signal then putting the signal back together as one is a good idea? How do you do this and not lose something in translation??? I lose something from RCA cables so I can only imagine what Phase splitters do to signal! I have never understood this! WAIT!..Now for solid state it may be a necessary evil for power. Good ear! Happy listening!
How has the JJ burn-in gone? I am also at a crossroads. (I will be strapping KT88 rertomodded Dynaco MKIIIs into triode or maybe tetrode.)
I have boxed the JJ's and probably will sell them. My amps simply did harmonize with them. Straight out of the box, the JJ's were closed in and sounded like they were nasal sounding. I gave them a chance and about 75 hours. That was enough. I ordered another set of the EH KT88's and all was rigth again. I now know that the EH KT88's are the ebst choice for my amps and my listening. If you want the JJ's send me a private e-mail. I will never use them in the these amps.

I meant to say that The JJ's did not harmonize with my amps at all. I noticed some spelling errors. It was early in the morning and I was half awake. I wish spell check was enabled in Explorer like it is in Google.

Bottom line, the JJ's sucked when I tried them in my Octave amps.

Has any heard of ruby tubes 6550a 98str. They are made in china. I have a Von Gaylord amps Sounds great but just wondering if the kt 88 would sound better. Thanks. Steve.