What exactly does "Hospital Grade" mean?

I plan on changing my outlets since it seems like a cheap enough tweak and most here on the forum agree that it makes a difference. But what actually IS the physical difference between hospital grade and non-hospital grade outlets?
It means it can be used in ares where there are flameable materials. Supperior contact and will not provide a spark if pulled from the outlet./
it means that they are of such quality that the sonics from the ventilators, monitors and defibrillators are first-rate. at least that's what i hear after my 14th day in a row.
>>"It means it can be used in ares where there are flameable materials."<<

Sorry, not true....If a plug is pulled from an outlet and there is a connected load, current flowing, there will indeed be a spark. Hospital grade receptacle or not.
Jea48, please find the technical data to back up your statement. Dont just disagree , prove your statement
>>"Jea48, please find the technical data to back up your statement. Dont just disagree , prove your statement"<<

This may be on a grand scale but you will get the idea...