Audiophile Electrocution

On one of the company-sponsored discussion boards I read (for my brand of speakers), the head of the company is always warning us about power and how dangerous it is and how careful we must be. And we all read a lot of stern warnings about not opening up amps, about household wiring, licensed electricians and what not. I don't want to make light of this of this. But I am curious; do you know of any audiophiles who have been hurt or killed while tinkering with their systems? Have you been zapped?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
I got an ass whoopin' once for trying to play a pizza on my Dad's console record player.
Gunbei, my compliments to your dad. PS did anyone mention to pull the plug on your electronics before messing with them

I remember as a little kid, pouring BBs into my lamp socket and turning on the switch. Great show!
I also learned how to change fuses that day.
A buddy of mine was electrocuted- but lived- working on an old radio when we were around 12. Of course, this was the same guy that put a 12 gauge shotgun shell in a vise and hit the firing pin with a hammer..this in an enclosed cinderblock garage with 4 of us in there.

That trick was only done once.
05-31-06: Bigjoe
years back i was drinking (heavily) with some friends when one of them noticed a cattle prod that i had sitting in a coat rack by the door...
We keep our cattle prod on a tea cozy next to Aunt Jebbie's photograph (she loved the hooch, too). Same difference.

What are you, nutz!? :)
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