Audiophile Electrocution

On one of the company-sponsored discussion boards I read (for my brand of speakers), the head of the company is always warning us about power and how dangerous it is and how careful we must be. And we all read a lot of stern warnings about not opening up amps, about household wiring, licensed electricians and what not. I don't want to make light of this of this. But I am curious; do you know of any audiophiles who have been hurt or killed while tinkering with their systems? Have you been zapped?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
my decesion making ability back then wasnt the greatest but i had fun.
Bigjoe (Threads | Answers)
We have all suffered from that syndrome.

"my decesion making ability back then wasn't the greatest but i had fun."
It ususually invoves a woman. Not electricity.
"electrocution = electrical + execution. By definition it is always fatal."

Not if they don't wet the sponge.
I once leaned on my bench supply and put the palm of my hand across the 450V B+ rectifier diodes and grounded chassis.

It left a mark.
I once leaned on my bench supply and put the palm of my hand across the 450V B+ rectifier diodes and grounded chassis
Ouch! That makes two of us. I got hit in the air (ark).
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