Installing dedicated lines. Which cable to use?

Hi guys

I'm having some dedicated lines put in. I've already purchased some Porter Ports (what a great guy that Albert P.!), and have a couple of questions concerning which cable to use. I want to use 10-2 solid core, but am confused about a couple of things:

-the runs from the breaker box will be relatively short (15-20 feet). Should I use shielded Romex or unshielded? I do have some problems with noise (hum, buzz)in my setup when using unshielded interconnects (Nordost). I am told that unshielded sounds better but is noisier. Experiences?

-I am having trouble locating brand name Romex. The local HD and Lowe's don't carry it, but do have a Romex-like 10-2 copper wire. Is real Romex worth the search? Lots of references in the archives to Romex from HD. What gives? Is the name Romex used generically to mean any similar cable? What is a good source for real Romex?

Thanks in advance and any other suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Different codes call for different wire & different methods. I realize this is very difficult for you to grasp.
There is no difference in code for 10-2. What city/county/state in this country does not allow the use of 10-2 romex or its equivelent??? Don't be an imbecile.
In NYC, code requires the use of BX cable. Romex doesn`t meet code here. Code must be met where the DIYer resides. Those with IQs over 100 have no problem complying with code. Obviously, some seem challenged in this area.
OK, I have stayed out of this childish breast beating display, but I have to chime in; this is, after all, a thread that "I" started in the hopes of getting some good info and tips. Please get your facts straight, NYC (I live there), amended it's code to allow the use of Romex some time ago.

I have no intention of doing anything that does not comply with local code. To those possibly put off, and kept away, by the attemps to hijack this thread, please ignore the bs, and keep the suggestions coming.

Thanks again to all; well, to most of you.
I use those orange extension cords, just try to get a long one with lotsa plugs. Just cut that half round part off and they work great. And if you plug em into that plug outside your neighbors, they can even lower your electrical bill!