To cryo or not to cryo

Hi All,

I searched the threads and couldn't find any dedicated to explaining and/or evaluating the benefits of having electronic gear cryogenically treated. I'm considering buying a BPT Pure Power Center, and the company strongly recommends I have the whole thing treated.

Is it worth it? What kind of benefits? Audible difference?

the rustler
Ag insider logo xs@2xrustler
Surely it can't be completely subjective! It's not that expensive either. I'm just trying to find out from audiogoners who have a reasonable sense of objectivity.
It's not that expensive either.
Rustler (Reviews | Threads | Answers)
How much does it cost?
Douglass at Cryo-Nebraska (recommended by BPT) said either $3 or $4 a pound. The Pure Power Center is 5 pounds shipped, so it wouldn't cost more than $20 for the whole thing.

I'm just trying to figure out what it DOES!!
cryoing realigns molecules thru immersion or vapor processes which I wont bore you with technically.Several industries do this.Unfortunately its not black/white,but a gray area depending on who you talk to as far as results.Classifying it as an upgrade to your system depends on your point of ear.Let us know....