To cryo or not to cryo

Hi All,

I searched the threads and couldn't find any dedicated to explaining and/or evaluating the benefits of having electronic gear cryogenically treated. I'm considering buying a BPT Pure Power Center, and the company strongly recommends I have the whole thing treated.

Is it worth it? What kind of benefits? Audible difference?

the rustler
Ag insider logo xs@2xrustler
The cyro rage has made its way through many sports. Audio is actually late to the party. I was exposed to it in precision target shooting. All kinds of claims were made and guys were cryoing their barrels and even their bullets in the quest for the "Absolute Score". Sound familiar?

Then real life metalurgists started writing some quite deep and technical SCIENTIFIC articles in the Precision Shooting press which basically came down to this. Cryo does nothing. It does not "align" anything. Grain structure and other qualities of metals are modified with heat - not cold. Period.

Gradually, everyone in competitive shooting got enough empirical data (scores) from matches to see for themselves that there was no statistical difference in their guns performance. There are no more Cryo ads in shooting magazines.

If cryo did anything for the sound top end manufacturers would "treat" their gear before they sold it. They will do anything for better sound. That is what high end audio is all about.

If you really want to learn the FACTS then I would urge you to search the back issues of Precision Shooting magazine.
there were several articles by actual graduate metalurgists and I promise, they will convince you.
Cryoing shmyoing . . . I agree totally w/Rrcpa. Cryoing has no basis in science, and listening tests fail to prove that people can consistently distinguish a "molecularly-aligned" amp vs a non-molecularly aligned amp. Please folks, don't fall for the cryo %*&^ -- it just taints the hobby.
Rrcpa, please don't confuse things with facts!
Everybody knows that metalurgists can't hear. Perhaps, however, they can shoot.
Bob P
You're half right Bob.
Metalurgists (and a lot of audiophiles) can hear just fine.
They just don't listen :-)
Gee, thanks Rrcpa.I read your piece,then put my amp in the oven to realign the molecules with heat just as you said.Guess what? yeah it realigned not just the molecules,but insulation and every d--- thing else.I 'gotta' quit reading these things!