To cryo or not to cryo

Hi All,

I searched the threads and couldn't find any dedicated to explaining and/or evaluating the benefits of having electronic gear cryogenically treated. I'm considering buying a BPT Pure Power Center, and the company strongly recommends I have the whole thing treated.

Is it worth it? What kind of benefits? Audible difference?

the rustler
Ag insider logo xs@2xrustler
If you buy a TV based on how it looks in a showroom, you might be interested in the bridge I have for sale. I have some great pictures of it!
Rustler, can I assume you take the TVs back to your home for your evaluation? Do you perform A/B tests. Perhaps DBT?

First of all, you know that stores set up their tvs so that the ones they want to sell look better. You have to do some research before hand, or at least look at the same tv at two or three different stores.
Rustler - If what you say is true, I'd think they would want the expensive TVs to sell better; that would probably explain why the expensive ones often look best.

Q: If what you say is true, that all stores engage in this sort of trickery, what advantage is there to going to more than one store? How could you ever be sure you're not being tricked?
Well,this thread is degenerating nicely.I personally have not had a thing cryoed,though I have done my homework and understand the concept.Looks like a 50/50 proposition in terms of acceptance by the Goner's.Thanks for all the ideas and thoughts and hopefully we will get closer to the bottom of this marvelous process one day with regards to audio properties,cheers,Bob