Walls, ceilings, floors -- neighbors and sound

I've started to search around my little town for a condo, and I'm wondering, all other things being equal (which they never are, of course), what might be best for allowing me to do a good deal of listening without making my neighbors have to hear what I happen to be into at that moment. In general, do folks above hear more than those below? Or vice versa? Or is it a bigger problem for those on the other side of a shared wall? I understand that this will all depend on the construction of the place in question, but can anyone tell me if there are certain things to look for? And other to avoid? Thanks for any help you might give me with this one.
-- Howard
I can't imagine how anyone in an apartment or a condo can enjoy anything except a minimal audio system. That would also apply for all the new houses that I have seen in developments, where there is about 20 feet or less between the houses.

I am fortunate to live in a semi-rural area. The nearest neighbor is about 600 feet away, with woods between us. If I feel like cranking up a Sousa march at 2 in the morning...no problem!
I have NEVER heard anything from below my apt. The folks ABOVE can be impossible.
I live on the second floor.
Being above is the worst for noise of any arrangement. Decoupled speakers or not.
False walls and lead sheeting in a condo? I can't imagine going to those lengths in a condo, or anywhere for that matter, and it probably won't be effective amyway.

You won't know for sure until you move in what the situation is, and unless the condo is built like a concrete bunker and your neighbors are ederly and hard of hearing and you only listen in the middle of the day at very low volume levels you are going to have problems.

If audiophilia is your passion then you simply must buy or rent a house.
This issue played a big part in my recent home purchase. I ended up buying an end unit townhouse where my upstairs bedrooms and master bath acted as a buffer between my listening room and the adjoining neighbor. Worked out very well, but I still don't play any music after 9 pm.
I asked my neighbors to phone me if I bother them with my stereo.
I tell them, I like to listen as loud as possible, without disturbing them.
Let me know, I won't be offended I say.
I don't want them to hear me and I cretainly don't want to hear them.