Buzz from front speakers...


I just set up an Onkyo TX-SR504 (75W / channel), with 4 JBL Northwood E20s as the front speakers and rear speakers, and a JBL Northwood EC25 as the center channel. The E20s can handle 60W continuous, and 240W at peak, while the EC25 can handle 75W continuous, and 300W at peak. I am not getting buzz from the rear E20s, nor from the EC25 (I don't think). Is it simply the case that I am overdriving (I am new, so excuse my language if I'm using the wrong term there) the fronts, hence causing the buzz?

Is there a possible solution somewhere in the setup? Any other ideas?

I am using 16 guage, Philips copper for the whole system. I would attribute the problem to the wire, but for the lack of buzz in the rear or center channels.


No problems with your set up. Are the noisy speakers wires near other electrical cords? Otherwise, I would guess the reciever.
Is the buzz present when no music is playing? I'm assuming you've put your ear close to the speaker drivers to make sure that is where the noise is coming from. It'd probably help to identify if it is a high frequency buzz from the tweeter or a lower buzz or hum from the woofer. If so, then the amp, preamp or source electronics are likely picking up interference somewhere. Could be anything from a light dimmer on the same circuit, an RFI source or similar. First see if the buzz disappears/reappears when various electronic and electrical items in the home are switched off and on.

If the buzz only accompanies music and gets worse with bass heavy passages, then something in or near the speakers is rattling when it shouldn't. It is likely not the speakers themselves since it is not common for two speakers to go bad in the same fashion at once. Again, find something that generates the buzz and start nosing around.
The buzz is occuring when the volume control is turned up too much (usually above 47) or so. It happens whether the music is playing or not. The Rear Speakers don't seem to have the same issue, and it happens no matter how close the fronts are to the unit, and even when all EMI is close to eliminated.
