Exactpower Ep15a or PS-Audio p500

I currently use a PS-Audio P300 and it's a huge asset to my system. Due to its inefficiency and heat I thought I'd try to live without it.... I can't. Everything in my system benefits from the P300, even my Panasonic plasma, which is not plugged into the unit. However, my DIRECTV sat receiver is... and the P300 improves both picture and sound.

But... there's still the heat and inefficiency thing!

I'm thinking of replacing it with the P500, or trying the Exactpower unit, which I could plug everything into. That in itself seems like a huge benefit.

What are your thoughts? Will I miss what the P300 is doing for my system? Any input is much appreciated!

Arcam AVR350
Vandersteen 2Ce sigs
Panasonic 50' Plasma
Directv HR20-700 HD-DVR
Cambridge Audio 640C v2 CD player
Oppo 971H DVD
Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun speaker cables
Acoustic Zen matrix ref 2 int.
PS-Audio P300
PS-Audio UO 15amp HC (2)
PS-Audio UO 20amp HC (1)

I have not used exact power products but I did have a PS Aduio 500 unit for several months in my system. For me at low volume and soft piano playing the unit was audible and for that reason I switched out. I am now using a SOund Applications X-12, which is very much to my liking. Not sure how loud or what you listen to but soft piano heard at low volume can be covered by the fan of the PS 500.
Well, scratch my speculation about the new Power Plant Premier using a switching output amp. When I ACTUALLY WENT TO THE PS AUDIO WEBSITE AND READ ABOUT IT (real tough, that!), it was made clear that what's different now is a new type of tracking power supply, but it's still a linear amp, said to be pretty much the same as before otherwise but with a claimed 85% efficiency instead of 50% (Exact Power claims 97% efficiency for the EP15A). PS maintains that class-D topology isn't compatible with a power regenerator (they do use ICE in power amps) because of ultrasonic noise.

The Power Plant Premier (they dub it P3) now also features the ability to switch over to unregulated wall power if capacity is briefly exceeded (such as when an attached power amp is turned on from cold), like the Exact Power. Strangely if you ask me, PS doesn't play up their product's ability to deliver balanced AC without having to resort to an outboard balanced isolation transformer-based device. But it does now feature five of what they call "Iso-Zones" -- what appears to be a combination of inductive and parallel filtering applied to each of the five outlet duplexes, said to provide inter-component isolation -- similar to (but presumably not quite as absolute an isolation as) what I presently get from the API Power Wedge Ultra iso-tranny unit following my EP (who also offer balanced iso-tranny units to follow the EP15A). But I'd need to add yet another transformer-based component to get balanced AC to my power amp. Seems PS have also added a remote control, turn-on sequencing, cable and tele connectivity, and reduced the Multi-Wave complement down to one choice, the most popular one. And incorporated the surge protection into a removable module that can be more easily replaced in the event of protective failure.
Zaikesman, I said pretty much what you did (about the new PS) on another thread. It has a lot of bells and whistles and features with fancy names, but only the variable power supply is really new. Still handles noise with filters and inductors -- old technology IMO. I think powere amps do benefit from the EP-15A but I do not think they benefit much from balanced power. I save that just for front end stuff.
Not sure that filters ever become "old technology" in the sense that we will ever be without them, but regardless, if the entire waveform is being regenerated, it seems to me PS is not depending on filters to make a dirty waveform cleaner. But will the tracking power supply actually sound better, or even as good? Supposedly the technology is new and proprietary, but as far as I know power amps with tracking power supplies of different sorts have never enjoyed much of a high end reputation (Krell's bias plateau scheme excepted). The approach, when it's been used at all, has usually been for attempts at providing increased peak power capability in what are essentially lightweight, low-cost mid-fi amps (such as the NAD 2200 I once owned), not increasing efficiency per se. I assume this is more sophisticated stuff though, and PS posts some customer testimonials to the effect that the Premier outperforms the older Power Plants sonically.

I'd think power amps would benefit from balanced power just as much as front end compenents, or nearly so. The real hitch in that theory might be getting them the balanced power at an acceptably low powerline impedance, and that's where an efficient balanced regenerator could have an advantage over a balanced isolation transformer in terms of weight and size. I thought EP offered a tranny that could run power amps, but taking another look at their site I see that's not the case, same as with my Power Wedge Ultra -- the transformers used are simply not big enough, and the outlets designated for power amps bypass them. Since I've never tried a bigger BPT or Equi=Tech unit myself, I still don't know the answer to this one. Upon what do you base your feeling about this?
Zaikesman, I think with power amps, the most important issue is the AC energy transfer. Obviously a good 10AWG PC is a plus, as well as good available AC. With balanced power units, I think the essential feature is common mode noise rejection, especially important for preamps, phono, etc., but not quite such a necessity for power amps IMO anyway. Plus of course, the size of the required transformer would be pretty large as you already mentioned.

In my reading of various threads/posts, most folks always concluded their amps sounded best plugged right into the wall, but that was usually compared with they're using some kind of conditioner. The only device which seemed not to limit t5he dynamics of a power amp was the use of BIG isolation transformers, which many people like Albert Porter seem to favor.

I did an A-B plugging my Levinson 23.5 into the EP-15A vs. the wall, (both on a ded.ct.) and couldn't really tell a big difference, so went with the EP; but I wouldn't plug a power amp into anything else (other than the wall ;--)

Now I'm using a new McIntosh MC275 Mk IV (tubes! oh Boy) which doesn't draw that many watts. Maybe I'll feed it some balanced power and see what it does?