shock/fire hazard with DAC?

I am interested in buying a Chinese DAC. I am a little concerned with safety in case of manufacturing defects.

Is there any risk of shock/fire with a defective DAC? That is, is there more juice in a DAC than in a VCR?

(My impression is tube amps may have high voltages in them)

Any comments appreciated!
(cowering under my keyboard as I write this)

is the unit UL lab approved?

Also, I would consider how many other electrical items you have in your home which are made in China. Seems like EVERYTHING is now made in China (ie fans, space heater) so not sure why a DAC would pose a greater hazard .
Well, I saw your other thread and assume you are talking about Lite DAC AH. Anyway, if the unit is properly assembled, then you should be fine. However, there are battery powered DACs if you are interested.

Also, Scott Nixon makes a battery powered dac I think. Check out his website. And Ack dAck is battery powered as well.!.html

Just thought you may consider this.
In general the shock/fire hazard from a DAC is no greater than your VCR. I would, however, keep stray current juice, or stray juice of any flavor away from DACs, VCRs or any other electronic component for that matter. UL Lab Approved gear will not withstand a juice incident, and deep breathing will do little, if anything, to lessen the consequences. Chinese made DACs are prone to spontaneous combustion, and in some cases nuclear fission, especially if the offending juice is in the citrus family. The notorious cover-up at Chernobyl was actually caused be a Chinese built DAC and some stray prune juice, so the danger is not entirely limited to the citrus juice. I'd suggest putting the DAC out of reach of your toddler, or purchasing a DAC with a different provenance to at least keep your neighbors safe from nuclear fallout. I'd further recommend that you make sure that any and all juice you give your toddler is consumed in a separate room from the DAC. You should also consume your juice in a separate room, but you probably already knew that.

Thank you all for your suggestions. What an exciting hobby!

I was interested in one of the MHDT DACs, which are sold direct on Ebay and I doubt have a UL label. Yes, I am also interested in the DAC AH. I have since done some Google searches and can find very few reports of electrocutions due to stereo equipment--so perhaps I will be OK.