Cheap DIY FM Antenna

I bought a used Sansui TU-217 some months ago just to have some background music in my living room, I have two questions:

1-There are 2 300 ohm and 1 75 ohm taps in the back of the unit, which one should I use ?

2-My current antenna is a piece of wire connected to the 300 ohm tap. I don't receive some station correctly so I would like to build a small antenna. Thing is I don't have space to have a 3 feet piece of wire hanging inside my living room. Also I live in an apartment so putting it in the roof is not an option.

What can I build that's small and serves the purpose ?

Thanks !!!
Congrats on your "new" Sansui. I just added one to my collection and love it.

On antennas, first, free and easy, try hooking the wire to the other 300 screw just to see if it gets any better. Second, cheap and easy although not DIY, get a $4 folded dipole from Radio Shack. It's terminated in 2 little spades that you hook up to both 300 ohm taps. Even though tacked to a wall high as possible is best, you can hang it down the back and stretch it out on the floor as far as you allow. You may be surprised.
Yes...go with the $4 dipole at RS...

Take no offense Doyle, but you live in Metro NYC where there are lots of stations nearby. I am surprised you need a amplified antenna, but I'll bet it is your building.

Move to a more suburban or rural area and you'll find out that the Terk is not really all that good.

The best thing is a real roof or attic VHF antenna, but I guess you can't do that..
Go to a TV store and buy the cheapest set of rabbit ears you can find. Most of mine were bought for under $10 at Fry's electronics in Austin TX. My rabbit ears have outperformed any powered antenna I have used before. Powered antennas tend to amplify their own noise.
Just as an added FYI...
The entire FM band is between the VHF TV channels 6 and 7.
This is why the rabbit ears will work, or actually any VHF TV antenna.