Dedicated Lines & Power Conditioners

I currently have a Running Springs power conditioner in which all of my gear is plugged into. The RS is plugged into one of my two dedicated lines. Is this overkill? Could I get away with a less expensive PC? Does one really need high end power condtioning when using dedicated lines?
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"micro arcing at that connection. This introduces distortion spikes on the line and these spikes can have an impact".

Micro arcing??? How do you guys come up with this stuff?
I had 3 dedicated power lines for many years before adding a conditioner. I added an Audience Adept Response coditioner, which is very pricey, however it took my system to another level entirely. I was quite surprised at the difference and wouldn't go without it in my system.

I have everything plugged into the Adept, amp, pre , cdp and Martin logans. I went a step further and replaced the logan pc's with Foundation Research 1's powercord/conditioner which are also both plugged into the response as well.

Micro-arcing. Yes, I've experienced it with tube pins so why not with other connections.
Iv'e noted sizzle or "micro-arcing" from Zinsco brand circut breakers (common in older houses) you can actually hear coming from the breaker with heavy load applied. When different re-conditioned (no longer available new) or used circut breakers exchanged in audio circut, difference is quite audible. With a dedicated circut I am beginning to think the main quality difference is in the straight run of wire instead going through a series of brass screws on receptacles, Will start a new thread soon on my home setup.
I hope you understand that arcing is the breakdown of the dielectric which in this case is air. If you experience any kind of arcing in your circuit breakers or receptacles you need to fix the problem at once. This is not normal. If you have a tight mechanical connection, arcing should NEVER occur.
Anything with a make break connection like switches, circuit breakers and solenoids will have a momentary arc when the electrical connection is first made or broken, but they should never arc once the connection is fully made or fully broken.