Dedicated Lines & Power Conditioners

I currently have a Running Springs power conditioner in which all of my gear is plugged into. The RS is plugged into one of my two dedicated lines. Is this overkill? Could I get away with a less expensive PC? Does one really need high end power condtioning when using dedicated lines?
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You can’t compare an industrial setting to your home. Plants and factories have big motors, compressors, switching power supplies and other very noisy things. This is very different from the home environment. Don’t get me wrong, there still is noise but its several orders of magnitude lower.
You mentioned being educated on noise by control system engineers. Please understand that control systems are just feedback loops. They monitor the output and correct the input. In a feedback loop, speed (bandwidth) is very important. You can eliminate noise in a feedback loop, but you will severely limit its bandwidth [which is not desired]. So in other words, noise as it relates to a control system and noise on your power line are two very different things.

“My poorly stated observation is that anywhere there is a connection, distortion can and likely will be introduced on the circuit”.

I totally disagree and I challenge you to find a published technical article that shows distortion caused by an AC receptacle junction.
Sadownic, did I do something to ruffle your feathers? Your posts strike me as someone approaching this discussion as if it were a contest. If I misconstrue your intent, and you simply wish to insure that information shared here is accurate, then I welcome your continuing efforts to share better information with us. But as to the use of dedicated home run circuits as a "best practice," I think I shall continue to recommend that to those seeking some practical advice on trying to get the best sound they can from their home systems.

My feathers are just fine thank you. This is the Tech Talk forum so I thought technical discussion was the purpose of this forum. What do you find in my posts that constitutes a contest? Is it because I challenged your statements? In my opinion, all I’ve done is offer technical input.
Sadownic, sorry I missed your 9/21 post. Technical input and discussion are quite welcome. Imo, a discussion from which I can learn is always useful and appropriate; it's the reason I participate in Audiogon.
