does anyone sharpie thier CD's???

its amazing. take a wedge sharpie, and color in the outermost edge of the CD.. then color in the center flat area, and the innermost edge... when you hold the CD up to light, you should not see any coming through..... so actually before you do this, pick a track, turn it up and listen,,,,, then color in the disc, without adjuting the volume, listen again..... i get more volume, calrity and depth...... check this out!!

Sharpie - schmarpie! I'm sure some "Audiophiles" know right away when their 3-year-olds take some 1/2" diameter Crayons to the Steinway! Where's the harm in letting them try their little Picasso hand at Daddy's CD collection?

Pretty funny, Sugarbrie!
well i suppose that a reduced error rate seems the most plausible. it would still be worth it?? try it
Regardless, this is nothing new. This notion has kicked around for more than a decade. Try it or don't. It's not worth arguing about.
Probably not, but they may help your fingers hit the correct keys when you type.