A curious multichannel effect

Every so often we stumble over an unusual audio effect. I am building a large pool room that is connected to my house via another large room. The connecting room has two large door openings into my living room which is where the audio system is located. While working on this addition I pulled my Maggies over in front of the door openings and played some music. It was Multichannel. So the situation was a roughly 70 foot "room" with the Maggies (Front) half way (35 feet) and the Rear speakers BEHIND the front speakers by about 35 feet. For orchestral music, where the rear channels are ambience (not distinct instruments) the effect was stunning. I wonder if similar results might be obtained using "rear" speakers located in the front of the room with their signals delayed by the equivalent of 70 feet.
Onhwy61..."Outside and above" is the location of the Front High Left and High Right speakers in the 2+2+2 multichannelo configuration which recording label MDG has used for some issues. These are discrete channels (not derived) using the channels usually used for Center and Subwoofer . Although I have never made or heard a 2+2+2 setup using good equipment, some quick and dirty experiments I have done suggest to ne that this configuration is much better than 5.1, at least for music.

The "curious" effect that I noted was that delayed ambience seems to work as well in the front as in the back, where we usually think of ambience originating..
I bet it is the large space and integration of sound within that large room, I highly doubt it would work the way you are thinking.....but cool to hear while you are working right?
I think the large open space Chad mention is a factor...but not the only integration IMO. It would take some time to set things up (delays, etc) right, but surround/multichannel is, or at least is ment to be, designed and configured to playback media like mentioned above.

It takes some time to get the delays just right, but surround is amazing with ambience. Even with the DSP based setups, its truly awesome.

It does sound as if we're getting/can get into ambisonics a bit, though. Which is great but I doub't will be received here on the 'gon. I for one welcome it.