Power conditioner or not?

I am confused! Per Naim's recommendations, no power conditioner needed. I have a Naim system, what do you think?
Let's have a show of hands folks.

Everybody who believes that only one power conditioner works in all systems and/or that power conditioning is a scam and a money making scheme by the manufacturers raise their hands. Also, and as long as we're at it, how many like Dave, believe there are 2 (he's mentioned both repeatedly) and only 2 cable manufacturers whose products work best in every system? Guaranteed by the way. Raise your hands.

OK fine.
My position is power conditioning requirements are unique to every system. The type and efficacy is determined by the combination of components, of which there are thousands of possibilities, the room itself, and the listening preferences of the user. This is very difficult to argue given the number of satisfied audiophiles. Do you know 2 people who have exactly the same system? Not likely because we all have a different combination of products which pleases us. Show of hands on this position please.

On one hand you have a very emotional and narrow minded view of the subject that an amateur has taken and on the other a rational and sensible view based on 46+ years of experience/business, knowledge, and empirical support.

Read the posts from the members holding techical degrees and/or those who work in businesses where electrical theory is germane in the work. Read the white papers of the power conditioning equipment designed by manufacturers with physics, electrical engineering, and other advanced degrees. It's not snake oil boys and girls.

So put personalities aside and ask yourself which position makes more sense.

Comments please.
Technically power conditioners are to provide 'pure' power.
I cannot understand how "the room itself" can have an impact.
Lamcam, back to the point.
I think you should experiment.
My experience has proven to me that no single company has all the goods on power conditioning-and I doubt Naim does either. I have found some conditioners can be very complementary. Good luck.
Audiofeil is lucid as always, if not a little terse. His points are all well taken and fully understood. My bias and passions have been laid bare before the altar of the almighty. Still, my 46 + years as a musician, music lover and high end enthusiast have drawn me to certain products that I (and many others both professional and amateur)have found to be the "best of the best". My scientific background has compelled me to read many a white paper as well and geuss what?....MIT has been addressing the problems of audio signal transmissions via wire for a long time. They have the science to back it up and the following of many musicians, industry professionals and reviewers worldwide. All this means nothing however if the results were not phenomenal...and they are! As for the power conditioning, I speak from many trials and errors with other brands, albeit not all that exist. Still, nothing has ever made the improvements of my MIT Z HG without getting in the way of the music. The bottom line for me is that I don't feel anyone should go out and buy by recommendation...one should simply give these products a try and decide for oneself in ones own home.
I am confused! Per Naim's recommendations, no power conditioner needed. I have a Naim system, what do you think?

Bryston manuals say the same. That is the way it should be in a good product. However, with switched mode power supplies common these days and therefore dirty power not uncommon - not all components live up to this promise...perhaps power from the utility is sometimes completely out of tolerance too. Whatever the cause, power conditioning sometimes helps - in a perfect well world it probably shouldn't be necessary at all...try it and see if you can hear a difference - however make sure it can handle the instantaneous current requirements for your power amp (as generally it is not recommended to restrict the supply to your high powered gear - some stuff is designed to work with power amps).