Power conditioner or not?

I am confused! Per Naim's recommendations, no power conditioner needed. I have a Naim system, what do you think?
Why thank you Goldeneraguy! Somehow, my many other posts over the years regarding extremely inexpensive gear that I thought was also the best of their respective categories, has gone unnoticed by some. Happiness comes in many forms:) I can only give my opinion based on my experience, which is all that can be said for anyone. At least I don't own an audiophile dealership full of gear I need to sell...that could definately cloud my judgment.
Power conditioning is what you have a power supply for in you amp, receivere, preamp, etc. Unless you have poorly designed equipment (and that is highly unlikely if it retails for more than $100) or live above a machine shop with large lathes operating on your same power feed, you do not need a power conditioner. A surge protector is a wise idea. If you are worried about power dropping out completely buy UPS and a generator. I spent 20 years working as an engineer with medical equipment in critical care areas and research labs - from microvolt level signal acuisition to kv x-ray equipment to life support equiptment - no one used power conditioners.
Making such general claims shows a general ignorance of audio (what the heck do x-ray machines have to do with audio?). My system has quality components with quality power supplies with filtration (MX-R, KX-R and Wadia GNSC) and all the components benefit noticeably from power conditioning and power isolation. I guess if each component was over 100K, the size of a small room and took x-rays, my system might not benefit from power conditioning...
Physics and science are not changed by the application. Audio is not rocket science.
Musicnoise, Without being offensive; you are showing your lack of experience in the realm of high-end.