Siemens CCa vs. Amperex PW 6922

Audio Note 300B amp with Dodd battery preamp and ASR Exclusive.

Has anyone had both at the same time and have some insight on which one would work with my system.

The Amperex PW seems high in price vs. the Siemens CCa GP.
Some people are threatened or intimidated by Andy's knowledge.

He's by far the best tube vendor I've ever dealt with.

Audiogon member Jsutter sells terrific tubes at very fair prices but doesn't have an inventory as large as Andy.
Mr T- I couldn't agree more about the risk involved buying NOS CCa tubes, or any others for that matter. Finding someone that has the right tester, knows how to correctly use it and is honest about the results is becoming increasingly hard to do. And(like any other commodity) as the price increases, so does the number of crooks. Most of the tubes I've purchased in the last few years came from Germany, Argentina(lots of Germans down there) or Australia, and those have all been excellent. Perhaps the people in those countries have a stronger moral code or something. Still- I've found myself grilling sellers before purchasing anything(I hate having to feel that's necessary). You may have noticed me ending a few posts with, "CAVEAT EMPTOR!"

Is the tubes on Ebay by cry baby world LOL the one's to get?

How about the second and third CCa on buy it now?

Mr G- Yes: The tubes that my-baby-world is selling are the right ones. Unfortunately: no readings are given for them. The two pair with the $306 buy-it-now price are clocked in the pics so as to hide the shield below the getter support. I would send the seller an e-mail requesting better pics of what he is purveying.

He said no internal date codes.

Try for a week and return for a refund.