Siemens CCa vs. Amperex PW 6922

Audio Note 300B amp with Dodd battery preamp and ASR Exclusive.

Has anyone had both at the same time and have some insight on which one would work with my system.

The Amperex PW seems high in price vs. the Siemens CCa GP.

He said no internal date codes.

Try for a week and return for a refund.
Mr G- Sounds like a no-risk deal. He must be confident of the quality of those tubes. The $$ seems high, but I've not been tracking the cost of CCa's for a few months. Listen to them and judge if they deliver the value in music. Personally- I couldn't do without them in my present system(they spoiled me).

The Siemens CCa for sale on the Gon by Stance 1 I bought. There are some pics of the tubes on his ad. Is this the tube you speak of?

You are a very helpful member in this community of audio nuts. Your thoughts on this tube are spot on from what I am hearing in my system.

I did have this tube at one time but my system is no where the same as it was back then. I was running it in a Audio Note dac ( God help me ) God did help me snap out of all that mess and entanglament. I am free, free, free alast, Oh, sorry I got carried away with my dileverence.

A very different sound than the Amperex WL GP PQ 6922 D getter. It takes the top end to the very limit of being to much of a good thing. It my have its toes over the line at times but you are rewarded with a very open and clear sound.

For some reason these tubes seem quiet and non microphonic. I only got one hour with them so maybe they will "break in" some.

There are no internal codes inside the tubes.

Thanks for your leadership in buying the CCa tubes.

I like them very much.