Siemens CCa vs. Amperex PW 6922

Audio Note 300B amp with Dodd battery preamp and ASR Exclusive.

Has anyone had both at the same time and have some insight on which one would work with my system.

The Amperex PW seems high in price vs. the Siemens CCa GP.

There are some good comments from several members in this thread.

If you have any experience with German cars, I would characterize the
Siemens CCa as Porsche 911, and Amperex PW 6922 as BMW 540i. Both are fast and precise. The BMW has a certain suppleness that ever-so-slightly smooths rough roads while still providing the driver with excellent road response, while the Porsche transmits the road surface untouched.

Both tubes create very a large image size IMO, larger than any other tube in
the 6DJ8/6922/7308 family, and each takes treble response right up to the
line of being "too much of a good thing" without crossing over the edge. It's
this treble extension that provides the outstanding spatial cues. I believe the
CCa can be too exacting at times, whereas the Amperex are generally more
forgiving...but this is just my opinion in my system.
Tvad,thanks...quite well put!

So I guess I need to decide if I would sell my Porsche,to get the BM'R -:)

Btw,I drive an all wheel drive Subaru,and am embarrased to say(in this company) I love it!

For the Subaru comparable tube, look for the Amperex 6922 PQ USA White label. 95% of the Amperex Pinch Waist 6922 PQ without the astronomical cost or spotty reliability.
Dvad,do you like the Amperex 6922 PQ USA White Label better than a very good set of CCa's?
