Source or speaker

I am reconfirming over and over again something that I discovered awhile back. Get the source right and everything else will follow. I have a system that often outshines what I hear in showrooms, but occasionally I hear something good in one of the shops too and it's because analog is the source.
My speakers can do it all but only when the signal is there.
What has been your experience?
What would you recommend to newbies?
How I got my sytem to sound right (to me of course) was mostly out of luck.

Great point. You can take the totally random luck approach or you can take Bill's advice. I fourth Audiofeil!
Speaker first. Audition speakers at your house and commit lots of time evaluating them. Make sure you listen to various types of speakers (box sealed, box ported, OB, planar, high efficient, low efficient, one/two/three/etc. drivers, sat/sub, etc.) As you form your opinion make sure you like it at the volumes you'll typically play and can listen to it with most (if not all) of your recordings for long periods of time without fatigue. Then as time goes on you can improve your source if necessary or you just get itchy.
Shardorne did I step on your toes?

Not at all - just poking fun ;-)

I simply tried to follow your own logic at the start of the thread. Either you built your system around your source ("get the source right and everything follows") or as you stated further down it was "mostly luck"??

Bill's advice to newbies is to start with speakers that you really like and go from there. I agree with this philosophy that is all. Frankly, I'd hazard a guess that it was actually not "mostly luck" for you, as you have an excellent pair of speakers!