Source or speaker

I am reconfirming over and over again something that I discovered awhile back. Get the source right and everything else will follow. I have a system that often outshines what I hear in showrooms, but occasionally I hear something good in one of the shops too and it's because analog is the source.
My speakers can do it all but only when the signal is there.
What has been your experience?
What would you recommend to newbies?
Another confirmation to what Audiofeil said. The speakers and our ears is where the magic happens.
To add to what Audiofeil said:

Yes, the speakers first along with matching amplification, but remember that transducers (speakers, cartridge, DAC) have the greatest impact on the sound b/c they are transforming information from one form to another (digital to analog, electrical to sound, analog movement to analog electrical) and this transduction has to be the hardest thing to accomplish properly.
Who's this Audiofeil guy?;~)
Well I thought I should elaborate a little on what I had posted as a Thread.
I agree to what oh holy AUDIOFEIL said, but I see that when taking a system to a higher level, after favorite speakers have been discovered as in my case(love my Merlins) that no matter how good the speakers are if the source stinks it will show in playback. I don't think I am alone when I suggest that more money should be devoted to the source.
I am willing to bet and this has been debated earlier and no I am not looking to argue, but I am willing to bet that given two systems of equal value but one in which more is spent on speakers and the other on source that the more expensive source one will be more pleasing.
I am at that state where I am convinced the merlins are magical, and it's more apparent as I improve the source. They did not sound as good before many of the upgrades. In the end I still say speakers should be chosen before amp and preamp. But I believe the source is the reason spectacular systems sound the way that they do.
If there was a shoot out between one excellent source versus one excellent set of speakers, and other brands of lessor value were brought in to replace one at a time the speaker and then the source, which will prove to be a greater contributor to an excellent system the speaker or source?
I am not sure if the outcome would be consistent.
I am just saying that to build a great system one must get the source right, because if it's not nothing will correct it!(obvious) But as we all know everything has to be right the pre and power amps the cables the room bla bla bla. I am sure we are all on the same page. IMHO
But I believe the source is the reason spectacular systems sound the way that they do.

If by source you include the quality of the actual recording then there is no doubt that a good recording is a also a huge factor. Variability in recording quality is close to being on par with speakers/room acoustics...
"If by source you include the quality of the actual recording "
Yes of course quality of the recording is included, but if the component cannot extract all the nuances what good is an excellent recording. The turntable arm cartridge or dac and digital transport must be up to snuff.
I have seen over and over here on gon and in the magazines mention of experienced audiophiles hearing a recording they're familiar with for the first time correctly when sourced from a top grade system. That's why turntables are constantly being upgraded.