Should an audio system be left on at all times?

I've heard that it's generally a good idea to keep computers on at all times and that this improves performance as well as longevity. Does this also apply to audio systems? If so, does this apply to all components (amps, cd player, etc.)?
My system consists of a solid state cdp, solid state amps, and a tube preamp. I usually end up listening to music almost every night when I get home. Is the general consensus that I should keep everything except the tube preamp on at all times due to the high frequency of usage? My tube preamp is actually from Odyssey and the guy from Odyssey said that his co-worker's tube in the same preamp has lasted a year and a half so far and that it has yet to be turned off.
The original questions was: "Should an audio system be left on at all times?" I think a more appropriate question would have been "Should an audio system be left on at all times to enhance performance during each listening event", or "Should an audio system be left on at all times to increase longevity"? Frankly, I don't really care about the latter.

For me, it is all about whether my system sounds good when I sit down to listen in the brief windows of time my current life affords. If leaving my source and amp on all the time in order to shorten warm-up period for listening is a valid concept, then I will do that. If not, then I am just wasting electricity. I did not buy this gear to have it sound less than optimal for a period of 30 minutes to several days each time I sit down to listen over many many years. If it breaks, I will replace it with something better.
Actually, I asked about both longevity and performance. While some of us may be able to replace a system when it breaks down, I probably will not be able to replace my system with anything comparable for a long time to come.
Is the general consensus that I should keep everything except the tube preamp on at all times due to the high frequency of usage?

I'm hesitant to declare that we have a general consensus. But in terms of reliability I would say the diversity of opinion we have seen is consistent with the opinion I expressed that, considering your frequent but not extreme usage patterns, you won't be going too far wrong either way.

In terms of sound quality, optimal warmup time is going to be system dependent, and probably listener dependent as well, so if you choose to have your system off during the day see if you notice continued improvement in sound quality following whatever warmup period you choose to use initially.

Perhaps this is a bit of an anticlimactic conclusion in view of all that has been said, but I think that any conclusions beyond these simple ones are unprovable, are probably not universal, and in terms of longevity probably don't make a lot of difference anyway.

-- Al