How to diagnose the need for room treatment?

I have my stereo setup in the family living room (30x14x8 ft). I have done some work around speaker placement, and treating 1st reflection points, but don't know if I need to do more. I often read room treatment being crucial. So while my system sounds good to me (I'm new at this), it might be able to sound a lot better.

How can I come up with a diagnose, short of trial and error of every posibility?

Al, Shadorne,

Very informative answers. I wasn't aware of beaming.

Thanks all three for your input. If you don't mind checking back on Sunday, I will try to make time and play with all of the above and post back results. I trust your input will help me make sense of what I measure/hear.

Thanks again for all your valuable input.

I am in India. It looks like it is not possible to get fiberglass panels over here. Is it possible to use EGG TRAYS which are made of THICK paper to back and the side walls. Thickness of the egg tray could range from 1/10 in to 1/4 of an inch.

EGG TRAY is 1ft by 1ft in dimension has corrugations such that it can fit eggs. It am not sure it works as a absorber or diffuser.

Let me know your opinion.

Thanks for bringing up this thread of mine again. A year and a half has gone by and I've done a fair amount of further reading and experimentation and things have improved, and I'm still working on improving things further. This might be the second most interesting aspect to being an oddiophile (ja!), following the enjoyment of music itself, of course.

I'm surprised you cant't find fiberglass panels in India. Where are you looking for them, may I ask? I say this because I'm in Argentina and I can find them at construction supply stores. Both the panel and the fiberglass wool are used as insulation for construction and industrial applications.

Congrats on last nights win by argentina into q/f.

Last since I posted, after further reading I came to know that this is the same thing which is used for A/C Insulation. We do find it over here.

I have more questions.

1. What is the amount of insulation we need to do. 1 in or 2 inch. How do we determine.

2. I suppose we need to make wooden frames, fit the fiberglass wool and then what do we need to cover it with. Fabric is the only choice.

3. How much of % of walls do we need to cover it with. Is there a possibility that the room would become not lively or dead.

You say you are experimenting. How are you doing it.

Can you let me know few examples.
