top ten things you learned about HiFi on Agon

Here's my list in some semblance of order:

1. how to more critically listen to music and determine what my system is doing right and what areas could stand some improvement
2. room shape and speaker position matter a lot
3. about other websites where I can get more detailed information on a particular subject
4. importance of the source
5. importance of good power cables
6. importance of a solid foundation for your equipment
7. importance of tonearm and cartridge matching and setup
8. about silver fuses
9. concepts related to amp and speaker matching
10. the concept of overall system balance and working towards a particular system sound.

I have really learned quite a bit by coming on this site. I generally used to think I knew my way around HiFi gear, having built speakers and owned various systems over the years, some that worked "pretty good" (put together by budget, market research, ear and accident), and some... well, not-so-much. I have a much better idea of where my understanding is now (thus the screen name), and feel like I am only scratching the surface.

With that said, every time I listen to my system these days I am aware of how much better it sounds compared to only a few years ago - due in large part to advice based on your writings and rantings on here. And this accomplished by adding many tweaks, a few key accessories and without adding or swapping very many major parts over that time span (except three turntables and four cartridges [but no microphone!]). Thanks Agoners for all the great information!!!
Ag insider logo xs@2xknownothing
1) A fool and his/her money are soon parted.
2) Some folks will believe anything.
3) What you expect influences what you hear.
4) Better stuff usually is better in some way, but some folks may not like the difference in sound. So it is STILL a crapshoot.
5) Stuff that is underpriced sells within a few minutes of being listed!
6) you have to look at the classifieds a LOT if you want a certain item, or it will be sold ten minutes BEFORE you notice it.
7) stuff that is overpriced gets a lot of 'looks', but no bids or offers.
8) If you 'miss' a rare item you wanted, eventually it will show up again.. maybe a year or two later!!!!
9) ALL phono carts for sale are said to have only a "FEW" hours.. no matter how old.
10)Audiogon is GREAT for buying, selling, window shopping, getting advice, getting good advice, getting really BAD advice, getting misled, getting confused over which is the good advice, and which is the bulls.. The KEY ADVICE is: If you don't ALREADY know, you aren't gonna find out from the goN', unless you are good at sorting out BS.
I'd add misuse or confusion of words to Entrope's Items 8 & 9, "then" for "than" being perhaps the most common confusion in Audiogon posts. The posts of Eldartford and Markphd in this thread are particularly wise. I follow Glory's dictum, except I also bought a Sony Pearl on AVS.

Can't get to 10 without repeating what others have contributed, but here are a couple....

Most audiophiles listen to sound, not music.

Most audiophiles listen to what sounds good before paying attention to performance quality.

Many audiophiles think that great 'stereo imaging' will get them closer to the sound of a live performance.

Most audiophiles don't get out much and listen to live, unamplified, music. That way they can fantasize about how close their system's sound is to live sound.

Many audiophiles will spend a lot of money to obtain the bragging rights to say its not a fantasy.

Many audiophiles confuse (or substitute) a hobby for a religion or politics.

Many audiophiles are pining away for speakers that sound good in their rooms placed against the wall, or better yet in a corner. And, having failed, want to get some different cables, amps, whatever, to achieve this placement.

And, I just love Elizabeth's last paragraph. If you don't know the answer to a question you ask, how can you determine which of the answers you are given is correct? If any. And, if you do know the answer are you a troll?

Sorry, its a slow day! :-)
1. Learn
2. quickly
3. whom
4. to
5. listen
6. to
7. and
8. whom
9. to