Headphone/Headphone Amps, NEED HELP

Dog just pee'd down my pre-amp and amp so my HI FI days are over for now. Would like to set up a nice Headset Rig!
Only thing I figure is starting with either Sennheiser or Grado's for a headset. I have a new Marantz CD player with a "out" for headsets but its not to good as far as sound or volume go's. The player has a real nice sound and would like to keep it if poss. What about a headphone amp? Were does it hook up to? Do I need a receiver? Know nothing, PLEASE HELP, all thoughts would be greatly appreciated. This would be for my unit for home. THANKS!!!
The Grado battery powered amp and headphones are a great combo.

The HD 600's are better suited to the Musical fidelity V3 as they need a lot of power.
My AKG 701 beat the heck out of my Sennheisers. You will still need a little amp with volume control though.
Another big vote for the AKGs , the cd player rca outs go into the head amp you plug your headphones into the headamps 1/4 jack/s and that's it. I have a Singlepower OTL called an "extreme" head amp which is stunning I also have a cyber 20 EL84 based Opera Consonance I would love to sell for next to nothing. It is a shame no one seems to need one with a massive outboard power supply and free OS Mullard EL-84s.