Cable Elevators killed my bass

I purchased a set of 8 Cable Elevators locally on consignment recently for experimentations' sake and was shocked to hear how they seemingly sapped my speakers/system of a couple of hertz of bass output. I have stand-mounted monitors with limited bass so this effect was not subtle. However, every last vestige of grain, haze and artifice in the mid and upper frequencies was gone (and I mean GONE!) as well so this tweak seems to be a double-edged sword that I feel like falling on. Anyone else out there have a similar experience with disappearing bass?
Tbg, then based on your previous response, I'd suggest some sort of professional help... ;)
Tholt, they suggested that I stick with my one viable solution, the Rightway Audio Suspenders. This has gotten me by.
I've been using cable elevators for several years and don't find they harm the sound in any way. I don't doubt the claims that some people may be having negative experiences, I just can't understand how a very small total surface area of an inert material, in contact with cables, can cause such a profound loss of bass as described ?
Gbart, no doubt were the surface area miniscule, such as the edge of a dime, the dampening results would be less. But it is static electricity that most concerns me. I would not pretend to understand what the interplay is between static electricity and vibration dampening. I only know what I have experienced. I am happy for you that you haven't faced this problem.