Nad c-370: Right Channel drops out

I took my NAD to a local repair shop to investigate why the right channel goes out on my amp and they proposed to charge me $420 to install a main amp kit, a filter set plus labor. Needless to say, I paid them their $70 "diagnostic fee" and brought the Nad home, unrepaired.

I am a bit baffled because I can get the right channel to come on if I tinker around with the amp by switching source inputs form CD to Video and so on. I have been reading on the internet about problems with these amps due to capacitors overheating and bugging out. Is there a particular capacitors or group of capacitors that I could replace myslef and get my rig running again?
Ag insider logo xs@2xtbone1
Seldom is it cost effective to repair any electronic unit where the original, new cost was less then $1K. Typically any repair will cost $180 plus. and that is just for the estimate and shipping cost. Think about it, a used, in perfect operating condition unit that cost $1K, is worth no more then $480, tops. Better to buy a new unit, with a three year manufacturer warranty, and sell off the old one for parts. Repair of electronics in the $1K or less original cost is an oxymoron.
I ordered a musical fidelity a5.5 amp as soon as I got the news on the NAD. Remarkable improvement in sound stage over the NAD plus I can hear details that I never noticed with the NAD. I am pretty happy with the step up but now I need new speakers to replace my old Klipsch KG-4's. Harbeth and Spendors look appealing. Anyone have any recs on speakers to pair with my new amp and arcam cd23t CD player? I like the look of a more traditional box type speaker rather than towers or some of the oddball looking stuff that is favored by many. My room is about 15' x 20' with carpet and a 10 foot ceiling. Rock and Roll and bluegrass are my main choices in music. I like to feel the bass as well as hear it.

Is a busted NAD worth anything?
At least you didn't pay $420 for something unknown.Even if you gave them the $420,you still might have an amp that needs new caps.There are a lot of shops out there looking for easy money.That makes it harder for the true good shops.
I don't think the shop even took the cover off. If they did, they didn't seem to make any attempt to blow out any of the dust inside of it.