To match quad EL34 tubes

I want to buy 4 brand new Siemens el34 tubes for my Dynaco ST70. The price is $40/one. Is this good price? How can we match quad EL34? or we just biaset voltage 1.56V. I am new to tube amp so I need help. Thanks again.
Unless you run the tube in your amp or a similar amp and knows what to measure, there is no guarantee that you are buying a "Match" tubes. Most of the "Match" tube advertised have close or equivalent Gm (transconductance) measurements when measured with a tester. While when you run a tube in an amp, this is not the only parameters that are important.

My experience: Like you, I still have a Dynaco ST70. In my quest to get a match set of Mullard tubes, I had tested at least 10 to 14 pieces before I got lucky with a quad and returned the rest. Some have high Gm measurements, but does not bias in the amp. You see what I am getting at?

Test it in your amp and see if it holds bias, then compare the GM on a tube tester. Buy from a seller that have return policy or accepts replacement.
Where did you find brand new Siemens tubes?Do you mean NOS?I don't think Siemans have made tubes for many years,but,I could be wrong,have been before.I'd hate to see you buy something that was misrepresented.
My friend in LA has couple brand new Siemans EL34 tubes for sale. I want to buy them but no clue on quad for my Dynaco ST 70. ST70 has biaset voltage only.
Yes, the price is fine, but as noted above, you'd have to buy a large batch to find a matched quad.