Help me solve static electricity problem

Lately I keep sending my Classe Amp and/or conrad-johnson preamp into protection mode simply by touching anything in my system. A loud pop goes through my speakers and it's very, very disconcerting. I'm smart enough to try to touch something metal before touching my rack, but this does not always work. Apparently I'm not smart enough to solve this condundrum, though. Any ideas????
There are two separate issues IMHO - to prevent static and to prevent damage from static. Damage from static can be prevented by grounding chassis directly to earth ground.
During prior winters, I had the problem of being shocked when I touched my components. Last fall, I grounded all my chassis and I haven't had a single shock this winter.

If you read kijanki's explanation of this, it sounds complicated and dangerous if you don't really know what you're doing. I'm absolutely NOT a DYI' I'm not sure who I'd pay and trust to do this properly. Again, the dryer sheets seems to have solved my problem..but I'd like to be able to do the ultimate fix if it's necessary.
Vhiner, The Audio Magic Ground Disruptor in my system has ground posts. As per the dealer's instructions, I used wires of equal lengths to connect each chassis to those ground posts. That solved the shock problem and improved the sonics.