Real time analyzer

After reading Jim Smith's Get Better Sound I am considering purchasing a real time analyzer that can measure on at least a 1/3 octave scale. I would like to spend less than $400. I have seen several PC based systems that fall within my price range. Also, the Samson D-1500 falls within my price range. I would appreciate your guidance and recommendations on this topic.

The simplest RTA is TrueRTA (freeware for low res but inexpensive)which comes in various resolution levels up to 1/24 octave.

Next up is RoomEQWizard (freeware) which does RTA as well as many other equally important functions.

Both of these require you to add a microphone which can range from the Radio Shack SLM or Behringer+mic preamp.

There is a nice package of software+hardware, that will do RTA plus other useful functions, called xtz.

All of these can be implemented for under $400. There are, undoubtedly, others but I have used all of these.


Also, there is R&D
Second the DEQ2496, for an inexpensive RTA(1/6 oct): ( Often found on eBay too: ( The Mic is extra, if bought new, BTW.